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Photo Credit: Susan Marsh

About Us


The purpose of the Jackson Hole Bird & Nature Club is to promote interest in the study of birds, wildlife and natural history in Jackson Hole and the Greater Yellowstone Area. We strive to increase enjoyment and knowledge of nature through programs and opportunities to observe the wildlife around us.


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This historic banner features art by Bert Raynes. Photo Credit: Wes Timmerman

We were founded over forty years ago by a small group of local citizens. Since the founding of the original club, we have grown from a handful of people meeting in the basement of a local bank to a vital part of the Teton County’s conservation community.


We currently have over 400 subscribers to our email newsletter. All of our programs are free and everyone is welcome.


The Jackson Hole Bird & Nature Club continues to inspire people to enjoy, learn about, and act to protect birds and other wildlife that make Jackson Hole a special place. Our monthly programs bring in nationally known experts and knowledgeable locals.


We also sponsor the annual Christmas Bird Count, which has been going on in Jackson Hole since 1970.


This website offers information about how to keep birds healthy at feeders and thriving in the wild. We actively engage with our conservation partners and encourage people to support their efforts.


We are an informal group, led and organized by volunteers.  

Tuesday Community Programs at the Library

Nature Nights Partners and Friends

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Teton Plants

Website Credits


Bernie McHugh
Chief Imagineer


Diane Benefiel


John Hebberger, Jr.



Julie Holding
Website Director


Susan Marsh
Photos, Text, Logo

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Deanne Swain
Website Design

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Wes Timmerman

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Bert Raynes
President Eternitas

Image Credits starting top left: Frances Clark, Diane Benefiel, John Hebberger, Jr., and Susan Marsh.
Image Credits starting bottom left: Susan Marsh, Philip Brown on Unsplash, Wes Timmerman,

and The Bureau of Land Management.

For program and other information, subscribe to our email newsletter.

Website & Creative Director: Julie Holding

© 2024 Jackson Hole Bird & Nature Club

Website Designed by D. Swain Design

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